Best Screenplay votes for Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan, The Prestige
- Donna Bowman 30
- Matthew Butcher 30
- Mike D'Angelo 30
- Noel Murray 30
- Jim Ridley 30
- Victor Morton 28
- Kathleen Tax 25
- Don Marks 20
- Matt Prigge 20
- Theo Panayides 19
- Mark Pittillo 18
- Erik Gregersen 15
- Greg Murphy 15
- Peter Reiher 15
- Scott Tobias 15
- Ryan Wu 15
- Bryant Frazer 10
- Andrew Johnston 10
- Charles Odell 10
- Michael Sicinski 10
- Froilan Vispo 10
- Scott Renshaw 5
- Chris Stults 5