Skandies 2012


Supplementary Ratings 2012

Films seen by less than five voters

Movie Avg. Votes
10 Years 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.0, Waters 2.5)
17 Girls 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Stults 2.5, Murray 2.0, Waters 2.5)
2016: Obama's America 0.75 (Fung 1.0, Morton 2.0, Prigge 0.0, Rizov 0.0)
28 Hotel Rooms 2.75 (Murray 3.0, Prigge 2.5)
30 Beats 1.25 (Ebiri 1.5, Waters 1.0)
3, 2, 1...Frankie Go Boom 1.8333 (Fung 1.5, Ebiri 1.5, Waters 2.5)
96 Minutes 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
About Cherry 1.5 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 1.0)
An Affair of the Heart 3.0 (Rothkopf 3.0)
After Fall, Winter 0.0 (Wright 0.0)
Albatross 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Allegiance 1.0 (Ebiri 1.0)
American Animal 1.625 (Fung 1.0, Ebiri 2.5, Murray 1.0, Waters 2.0)
Americano 2.5 (McCloud 2.5, Tobias 2.5)
Anhey Ghohrey Da Daan 3.25 (Panayides 3.0, Sallitt 3.5)
Apart 1.8333 (Fung 1.5, Ebiri 2.5, Sicinski 1.5)
The Apparition 1.0 (Fung 1.0, Wright 2.0, Waters 0.0)
Aqui y alla 2.0 (Panayides 2.5, Rizov 2.0, Williams 1.5)
Area 407: The Mesa Reserve Incident 1.5 (Fung 1.5)
Artificial Paradises 3.0 (Sallitt 3.0)
Assassin's Bullet 1.0 (Ebiri 1.0)
Asylum Blackout 1.0 (Fung 1.0)
Atlas Shrugged Part II 0.5 (Renshaw 1.0, Tobias 0.0)
ATM 1.25 (Fung 1.5, Tobias 1.0)
The Awakening 2.625 (Reiher 2.0, Fung 2.5, Odell 3.0, Ebiri 3.0)
The Babymakers 1.25 (Fung 1.0, Tobias 1.5, Ebiri 1.5, Prigge 1.0)
Baby Peggy: The Elephant in the Room 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Bad Fever 2.0 (Wells 2.0)
Ballplayer: Pelotero 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5, Jacobson 2.5)
Barfi! 0.0 (Waters 0.0)
Barrymore 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
Battlefield America 1.0 (Rizov 1.0)
Bel Ami 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Panayides 2.0, Murray 2.0, Prigge 2.0)
Beneath the Darkness 1.25 (Fung 1.5, Waters 1.0)
Better Than Something: Jay Reatard 2.625 (Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.5, Waters 2.0, Overbeck 3.0)
Big Miracle 2.375 (Fung 2.5, Renshaw 3.0, Odell 3.0, Ebiri 1.0)
The Big Picture 2.625 (Renshaw 2.5, Tobias 2.5, Ebiri 3.0, Jacobson 2.5)
Black Butterflies 2.25 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5)
The Black Tulip 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
Blue Like Jazz 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Bones Brigade: An Autobiography 2.75 (Ebiri 2.5, Murray 3.0)
Booker's Place: A Mississippi Story 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Brake 1.75 (Fung 1.5, Murray 2.0)
Branded 1.0 (Waters 1.0)
Breathing 2.1667 (Fung 2.5, Sicinski 2.0, Williams 2.0)
Bringing Up Bobby 1.0 (Fung 1.0)
Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best 2.0 (Ebiri 1.5, Wright 2.5, Prigge 2.0, Waters 2.0)
Brooklyn Castle 2.5 (Renshaw 2.5, Jacobson 2.5, Prigge 2.5)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dollar? 1.5 (Ebiri 1.5)
Buffalo Girls 2.0 (Murray 2.0)
Bully 2.0 (D'Angelo 1.5, Renshaw 2.5, Waters 2.0, Williams 2.0)
Burn 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Burning Man 1.0 (Sallitt 1.0)
Butter 1.375 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 1.0, Prigge 1.5, Waters 1.0)
Carol Channing: Larger Than Life 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Cellmates 1.5 (Ebiri 1.5)
Certainty 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Chasing Mavericks 2.1667 (Renshaw 2.5, Ebiri 1.5, Rothkopf 2.5)
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Chely Wright: Wish Me Away 3.0 (Renshaw 3.0, Waters 3.0)
Chimpanzee 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Tobias 1.5, Waters 3.0)
China Heavyweight 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Jacobson 3.0, Rizov 1.5)
Cirkus Columbia 2.0 (Morton 2.5, Williams 1.5)
Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away 1.5 (Waters 1.5)
Citizen Gangster 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
The City Dark 2.25 (Ebiri 3.0, Stults 1.5)
Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same 1.75 (Wright 1.0, Waters 2.5)
The Cold Light of Day 1.75 (Fung 2.0, Panayides 1.5)
Collaborator 2.3333 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Waters 2.5)
The Collection 1.8333 (Ebiri 1.0, Wright 2.0, Waters 2.5)
Comic-Con -- Episode IV: A Fan's Hope 2.3333 (Fung 2.0, Renshaw 3.0, Tobias 2.0)
Consuming Spirits 2.75 (Ebiri 3.0, Rizov 2.5)
Crooked Arrows 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Dark Tide 1.25 (Fung 1.5, Tobias 1.0)
Darling Companion 1.8333 (Fung 2.0, Renshaw 2.0, Waters 1.5)
The Day 2.125 (Fung 2.0, Marks 2.5, Rothkopf 1.0, Waters 3.0)
Deadfall 2.125 (Fung 2.5, Ebiri 3.0, Murray 1.5, Prigge 1.5)
Death by China 1.0 (Tobias 1.0)
Decoding Deepak 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines and Mystery of Raymond Scott 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
The Decoy Bride 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Odell 1.5)
The Details 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Renshaw 2.5, Tobias 2.0)
The Devil Inside 1.375 (Fung 1.0, Panayides 1.5, Rothkopf 1.0, Wright 2.0)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days 1.5 (Renshaw 1.5, Sicinski 1.5)
Dinotasia 2.0 (Waters 2.0)
Doctored 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
The Do-Deca-Pentathlon 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Jacobson 2.0)
Doggie B 1.0 (Sicinski 1.0)
Dolphin Boy 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Don't Go in the Woods 1.75 (Murray 1.5, Waters 2.0)
Downtown Express 2.0 (Rizov 2.0)
Dragon 2.5 (Dillaman 2.5)
Dreams of a Life 3.5 (Ebiri 3.5)
Electoral Dysfunction 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
An Encounter With Simone Weil 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Entrance 2.75 (Fung 2.0, Waters 3.5)
Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare 2.5 (Renshaw 2.5, Ebiri 3.0, Jacobson 2.0)
Ethel 2.25 (Ebiri 3.0, Williams 1.5)
Ex-Girlfriends 2.0 (Fung 1.0, Ebiri 3.0)
The Extraordinary Voyage 2.0 (Stults 2.0)
The Eye of the Storm 2.25 (Fung 2.0, Rothkopf 2.5)
Falling Overnight 2.5 (Fung 2.5)
Father's Day 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Ridley 1.5)
Fat Kid Rules the World 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Waters 3.0)
Festival of Lights 1.5 (Ebiri 1.5)
First Position 2.5 (Renshaw 2.5, Rothkopf 2.5, Prigge 2.5)
The First Time 2.25 (Ebiri 2.5, Rothkopf 1.0, Murray 3.0, Waters 2.5)
The Fitzgerald Family Christmas 2.0 (Waters 2.0)
Five Broken Cameras 2.6667 (Ebiri 3.0, Rothkopf 3.0, Williams 2.0)
The Flat 2.3333 (Renshaw 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Prigge 2.5)
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 3.0 (Marks 3.5, Ebiri 2.5)
Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story 2.5 (Prigge 2.5)
For Ellen 1.875 (D'Angelo 1.5, Hirschkron 2.0, Waters 1.5, Wells 2.5)
The Forgotten Space 1.5 (Ferdman 1.5)
For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada 2.5 (Renshaw 2.0, Morton 3.0)
Found Memories 2.75 (Marks 3.0, Morton 3.5, Stults 2.0, Williams 2.5)
Four Lovers 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Sallitt 3.0, Rothkopf 1.5)
The FP 1.75 (Tobias 2.0, Murray 1.0, Prigge 1.0, Waters 3.0)
Francine 2.25 (Sallitt 2.0, Waters 2.5)
Fred Won't Move Out 2.0 (Sallitt 2.0)
Free Men 1.75 (Sallitt 1.0, Hirschkron 2.5)
The Front Line 2.25 (Murray 2.5, Waters 2.0)
Fun Size 1.8333 (Renshaw 1.5, Ebiri 2.5, Waters 1.5)
Gayby 2.0 (Fung 1.0, Renshaw 2.0, Ebiri 2.0, Waters 3.0)
The Giant Mechanical Man 1.6667 (Fung 1.5, Ebiri 1.5, Waters 2.0)
The Girl From the Naked Eye 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Girl in Progress 1.5 (Fung 1.5)
Goats 1.5 (Fung 1.0, Ebiri 2.0)
Gone 1.875 (Fung 2.0, Panayides 2.0, Ebiri 1.0, Waters 2.5)
Good Deeds 1.25 (Ebiri 1.5, Wright 1.0)
The Good Doctor 2.25 (Fung 2.0, Waters 2.5)
Good for Nothing 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Grassroots 2.0 (Wright 2.0)
Grave Encounters 2 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Wright 2.0)
Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
The Guilt Trip 1.75 (Renshaw 2.0, Stults 2.0, Waters 2.0, Ferdman 1.0)
Gypsy 2.5 (Rothkopf 2.5, Sicinski 2.5, Murray 2.5)
Head Games 3.0 (Tobias 3.0, Ebiri 3.0)
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? And How We Can Get It Back 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.0)
Heleno 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Stults 1.5)
Hermano 2.0 (Tobias 2.0)
Hick 1.0 (Fung 1.0, Ebiri 1.0, Waters 1.0)
Hide Away 1.5 (Fung 1.5)
High School 1.5 (Fung 1.0, Renshaw 2.5, Tobias 1.0, Prigge 1.5)
Hit So Hard 2.5 (Fung 2.5, Prigge 2.5)
Hotel Noir 2.0 (Waters 2.0)
House at the End of the Street 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Renshaw 2.0, Panayides 2.0, Tobias 2.0)
How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster? 2.75 (Ebiri 3.0, Rothkopf 2.5)
How to Grow a Band 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
How to Start A Revolution 1.25 (Fung 0.0, Ebiri 2.5)
The Hunter (Pitts) 2.5 (Sicinski 2.0, Murray 3.0)
I'm Carolyn Parker 2.1667 (D'Angelo 2.0, Stults 1.5, Halim 3.0)
The Inbetweeners 2.5 (Murray 2.5)
Indie Game: The Movie 3.0 (Frazer 2.5, Fung 3.0, Renshaw 3.5)
In My Mother's Arms 2.75 (Fung 2.5, Ebiri 3.0)
In Our Nature 1.75 (Rothkopf 1.5, Murray 2.0)
In Their Skin 2.5 (Fung 2.5)
The Iran Job 2.75 (Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.5)
It Is No Dream: The Life of Theodor Herzl 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
It's About You 1.5 (Murray 1.5)
It's the Earth Not the Moon 2.5 (Williams 2.5)
Jab Tak Hai Jaan 3.0 (Morton 3.0)
Jack & Diane 1.625 (Fung 1.5, Odell 1.5, Waters 2.0, Wells 1.5)
Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet 3.0 (Rothkopf 3.0)
Jean Gentil 2.8333 (Sallitt 3.0, Hirschkron 3.0, Rizov 2.5)
Jess + Moss 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Ridley 3.0)
Jesus Henry Christ 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Joyful Noise 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Renshaw 1.5)
Just 45 Minutes From Broadway 1.0 (Waters 1.0)
Katy Perry: Part of Me 2.3333 (Fung 2.0, Waters 2.5, Dillaman 2.5)
King Kelly 2.5 (Fung 2.5)
Knight Knight 1.5 (Ebiri 1.5)
Knuckleball! 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Tobias 3.0, Murray 2.5)
The Lady 1.625 (Fung 2.0, Murray 1.5, Prigge 2.0, Rizov 1.0)
La Rafle 2.25 (Ebiri 3.5, Rizov 1.0)
Last Call at the Oasis 2.3333 (Rothkopf 2.0, Jacobson 2.5, Nictate 2.5)
Last Days Here 2.875 (Cowen 3.5, Ebiri 3.0, Rothkopf 2.0, Prigge 3.0)
Last Ounce of Courage 0.0 (Renshaw 0.0)
The Last Ride 1.75 (Ebiri 2.0, Ridley 1.5)
The Law in These Parts 2.25 (Renshaw 3.0, Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.0, Williams 1.0)
Let Fury Have the Hour 2.5 (Ebiri 2.0, Rothkopf 3.0)
L!fe Happens 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Tobias 1.5)
A Liar's Autobiography - The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman 1.5 (Rothkopf 1.5, Sicinski 1.5, Murray 1.0, Williams 2.0)
Little Birds 1.8333 (Fung 1.5, Renshaw 1.5, Waters 2.5)
A Little Bit of Heaven 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Panayides 1.5, Prigge 1.5)
Little White Lies 1.8333 (Jacobson 2.0, Prigge 1.5, Waters 2.0)
Loosies 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Losing Control 1.5 (Prigge 1.5)
Love Free or Die 2.5 (Prigge 2.5)
Love, Marilyn 2.0 (Fung 1.5, Ebiri 2.5)
The Loving Story 2.5 (Morton 2.5)
Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours 2.0 (Williams 2.0)
Madrid, 1987 2.5 (Murray 2.5, Waters 2.5)
The Magic of Belle Isle 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.0)
Man on a Mission 2.75 (Fung 3.0, Rothkopf 2.5)
Mansome 1.5 (Prigge 1.5)
Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God 3.0 (Fung 3.0, Ebiri 3.0)
Meet the Fokkens 2.5 (Murray 2.5)
The Miners' Hymns 2.6667 (Ebiri 3.0, Stults 1.5, Murray 3.5)
Mosquita y Mari 2.6667 (Renshaw 3.0, Jacobson 2.5, Waters 2.5)
Mother's Day 1.5 (Fung 2.0, Ridley 1.0)
My Life as Abraham Lincoln 1.0 (Ebiri 1.0)
My Way 2.0 (Prigge 2.0)
My Worst Nightmare 2.25 (Fung 1.5, Ebiri 3.0)
Nate & Margaret 2.5 (Prigge 2.5)
Natural Selection 2.25 (Jacobson 1.5, Wright 2.5, Prigge 2.5, Waters 2.5)
Nature Calls 1.5 (Murray 1.5)
Nesting 2.5 (Renshaw 2.5)
New Jerusalem 2.5 (Jacobson 2.5)
Nitro Circus The Movie 3D 1.5 (Fung 1.5)
Nobody Else but You 2.5 (Waters 2.5)
Now, Forager 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
Nuit #1 1.875 (Sallitt 1.0, Sicinski 1.5, Waters 3.0, Williams 2.0)
The Observers 2.25 (Sallitt 2.0, Stults 2.5, Wells 3.0, McCloud 1.5)
OC87: The Obsessive Compulsive, Major Depression, Bipolar, Asperger's Movie 2.5 (Prigge 2.5)
One for the Money 1.5 (Fung 2.0, Odell 2.5, Ebiri 0.0, Wright 1.5)
On the Ice 2.5 (Waters 2.5)
The Oranges 2.1667 (Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.0, Waters 1.5)
The Oregonian 1.3333 (Fung 0.0, Wright 1.0, Wells 3.0)
Otelo Burning 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
The Other Dream Team 2.8333 (Renshaw 3.0, Tobias 2.5, Prigge 3.0)
The Other Son 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.0)
Painted Skin 2: The Resurrection 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Parental Guidance 1.0 (Waters 1.0)
Patang (The Kite) 2.25 (Ebiri 2.0, Waters 2.5)
Patience (After Sebald) 2.5 (Stults 2.0, Murray 3.0)
Patriocracy 2.5 (Fung 2.5)
Payback 2.0 (Murray 2.0)
The Perfect Family 1.8333 (Fung 2.0, Odell 1.0, Waters 2.5)
Pink Ribbons, Inc. 2.75 (Fung 3.0, Rothkopf 2.5, Prigge 3.0, Dillaman 2.5)
Piranha 3DD 0.875 (Fung 0.0, Panayides 1.5, Wright 1.0, Waters 1.0)
Playing for Keeps 1.5 (Renshaw 1.5, Ebiri 2.0, Rizov 1.0)
Portrait of Wally 2.5 (Morton 2.0, Ebiri 3.0)
The Possession 2.25 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Wright 2.5, Waters 2.0)
The Pruitt-Igoe Myth 3.0 (Fung 3.0)
Pusher 2.125 (Tobias 2.0, Prigge 2.5, Waters 2.5, Williams 1.5)
Putin's Kiss 2.0 (Rothkopf 2.0)
Radio Unnameable 2.0 (Wells 2.0)
[REC]3 Genesis 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 3.0, Wright 2.5)
Redlegs 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Re:Generation 2.5 (Cowen 2.5)
The Return of Lencho 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Richard's Wedding 2.6667 (Ebiri 3.0, Sallitt 2.5, Wells 2.5)
Ricky on Leacock 3.0 (Prigge 3.0)
Rites of Spring 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Murray 1.5)
Roadie 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Rothkopf 3.0, Waters 1.5)
Robinson in Ruins 1.75 (D'Angelo 2.0, Rothkopf 1.5, Sicinski 2.5, Williams 1.0)
The Samaritan 2.5 (Fung 2.5)
Sassy Pants 1.0 (Prigge 2.0, Waters 0.0)
Scalene 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Seeking Justice 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.0)
Sexual Chronicles of a French Family 1.0 (Tobias 1.0, Ridley 1.0)
Sexy Baby 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Shakespeare High 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
The Sheik and I 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Hirschkron 2.0, Williams 2.5)
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D 1.1667 (Fung 1.0, Ridley 0.0, Wright 2.5)
Silent Night 0.75 (Fung 1.5, Murray 0.0)
Simon and the Oaks 2.0 (Renshaw 2.5, Prigge 1.5)
A Simple Life 3.0 (Fung 3.0)
Sing Your Song 2.0 (Rothkopf 2.0)
Small, Beautifully Moving Parts 2.0 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5, Waters 1.5)
Smiley 1.3333 (Fung 2.0, Tobias 1.0, Ebiri 1.0)
Snowman's Land 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Snow on tha Bluff 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Something From Nothing: The Art of Rap 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Rothkopf 2.5, Prigge 3.0)
Somewhere Between 2.75 (Marks 3.0, Prigge 2.5)
Stand Up Guys 1.8333 (Ebiri 2.0, Prigge 2.0, Waters 1.5)
Stars in Shorts 2.25 (Renshaw 2.5, Prigge 2.0)
Stella Days 2.0 (Murray 2.0)
Step Up Revolution 2.1667 (Fung 2.0, Panayides 1.0, Waters 3.5)
Step Up to the Plate 2.25 (Renshaw 1.5, Ridley 3.0)
Surviving Progress 2.6667 (Fung 3.0, Prigge 2.5, Waters 2.5)
Sushi: The Global Catch 2.1667 (Tobias 2.0, Ebiri 2.0, Wright 2.5)
Tahrir: Liberation Square 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Tai Chi Zero 2.1667 (Murray 2.5, Prigge 2.0, Dillaman 2.0)
Tales of the Night 1.75 (Rothkopf 2.0, Stults 1.5)
Tatsumi 2.5 (Williams 2.0, Halim 3.0)
Tears of Gaza 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Williams 2.0)
Teddy Bear 2.75 (Sallitt 2.0, Murray 3.0, Waters 3.0, Ferdman 3.0)
That's What She Said 0.75 (Fung 1.0, Renshaw 1.0, Ebiri 0.0, Ridley 1.0)
The Thieves 2.0 (Morton 2.0)
Think Like a Man 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Waters 3.0, Nictate 2.5)
A Thousand Words 0.75 (Fung 1.0, Ebiri 0.0, Wright 1.0, Waters 1.0)
Three Stars 2.5 (Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.0)
The Tortured 1.5 (Fung 2.0, Rothkopf 1.0)
Trade of Innocents 1.0 (Fung 1.0)
Transit 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
True Wolf 1.75 (Tobias 1.5, Wright 2.0)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection 0.75 (Fung 0.0, Ebiri 1.5)
UFO in Her Eyes 1.5 (Sallitt 1.5)
Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston 1.5 (Fung 1.5)
Unconditional 2.0 (Renshaw 2.0)
Under African Skies 3.0 (Murray 3.0, Dillaman 3.0)
Union Square 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Tobias 2.5, Ebiri 3.0, Murray 2.5)
United in Anger: A History of ACT-UP 3.0 (Prigge 3.0)
$upercapitalist 1.0 (Tobias 1.0, Ebiri 1.0)
The Victim 1.5 (Fung 1.5, Murray 1.5)
The Viral Factor 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
Vulgaria 2.5 (Sicinski 2.5)
Wagner's Dream 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Waiting for Lightning 2.5 (Renshaw 2.5)
The Waiting Room 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Walk Away Renee 2.5 (Rothkopf 2.5)
War of the Buttons 3.0 (Ebiri 3.0)
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale 1.8333 (Ebiri 2.0, Murray 2.5, Dillaman 1.0)
W./E. 2.5 (Renshaw 1.5, Ebiri 3.0, Waters 3.0, Nictate 2.5)
We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists 2.25 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 2.5)
The Well-Digger's Daughter 3.125 (Reiher 3.0, Odell 3.0, Prigge 3.0, Waters 3.5)
Where Do We Go Now? 2.5 (Fung 1.5, Renshaw 3.0, Ebiri 3.0)
Why Stop Now 2.0 (Fung 2.0)
The Wicker Tree 1.5 (Rothkopf 1.5)
Wild Horse, Wild Ride 2.5 (Ebiri 2.5)
Windfall 2.0 (Murray 2.0)
The Wise Kids 2.75 (Sallitt 2.5, Waters 3.0)
Woman Thou Art Loosed: On the 7th Day 1.0 (Fung 1.0)
Won't Back Down 1.875 (Fung 2.0, Renshaw 2.0, Ebiri 2.0, Waters 1.5)
The Yakuza and the Mermaid 1.0 (Ebiri 1.0)
Yogawoman 2.0 (Ebiri 2.0)
You Hurt My Feelings 3.5 (Waters 3.5)
Young & Wild 2.0 (D'Angelo 2.5, Renshaw 3.0, Rothkopf 1.5, Hirschkron 1.0)
Your Brother. Remember? 3.5 (Wells 3.5)
You've Been Trumped 2.5 (Fung 2.0, Ebiri 3.0, Rothkopf 2.0, Murray 3.0)

Films shunned by all and sundry

16 Acres
186 Dollars to Freedom
2012 Academy-Award-Nominated Documentary Short Films
6 Month Rule
Addicted to Fame
All's Well, Ends Well 2011
All Together
Alter Egos
American Autumn: An Occudoc
American Empire
The Anderson Monarchs
Art Is...The Permanent Revolution
The Assault
Back to 1942
A Bag of Hammers
Bangkok Revenge
BearCity 2: The Proposal
The Beat Hotel
Bel Borba Aqui: A Man and the City
Big Boys Gone Bananas!*
Bill W.
Blinky & Me
Bol Bachchan
Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus
The Broken Tower
The Bullet Vanishes
The Chilean Building
Christmas in Compton
Chronicling a Crisis
Come On Eileen
Coming Up Roses
Crazy Eyes
Dangerous Ishqq
Dear Mandela
Defiant Requiem
Delhi Safari
Desperate Endeavors
Digital Dharma: One Man's Mission to Save a Culture
The Double Steps
Double Trouble
Dragon Eyes
Drivers Wanted
Dust Up
Ek Main aur Ekk Tu
Ek Tha Tiger
El Gringo
Excuse Me for Living
Fame High
Family Portrait in Black and White
First Winter
Five Time Champion
For the Love of Money
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
Garden in the Sea
General Education
Girlfriend Boyfriend
The Girl
Give Up Tomorrow
God Save My Shoes
Going Down in La-La-Land
Gottfried Helnwein and the Dreaming Child
The Green Wave
Grey Matter
Happy New Year
Harvest of Empire
Here I Learned to Love
Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin
High Ground
Hitler's Children
Hollywood to Dollywood
Holy Man: The USA vs. Douglas White
Honor Flight
I Do Bidoo Bidoo
In Montauk
In the Night
Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment
Janeane From Des Moines
Jannat 2
Jodi Breakers
Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance
Kids of Today
The King
La Source
Last Will and Embezzlement
Late Bloomers
Least Among Saints
Life, Love, Soul
The Lion of Judah
London Paris New York
Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story
Love-Carrot 3
Love in the Buff
Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana
The Magic Life
Mahler on the Couch
Man at War
A Man's Story
The Manzanar Fishing Club
Mark Lombardi: Death-Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy
The Matchmaker
Mighty Fine
MIS: Human Secret Weapon
Mulberry Child
Murder Capital of the World
Musical Chairs
My Brothers
The Mystical Laws
My Uncle Rafael
Never Stand Still: Dancing at Jacob's Pillow
The Night Watchman
The Normals
North Sea Texas
October Baby
Off-White Lies
Of Two Minds
Once in a Lullaby: The PS22 Chorus Story
One Day on Earth
The Oogieloves in The Big Balloon Adventure
Orchestra of Exiles
Ordinary Miracles: The Photo League's New York
Out of the Clear Blue Sky
Paan Singh Tomar
Paradise East
Patagonia Rising
The Philly Kid
The Pigeoneers
Player Hating: A Love Story
Pray for Japan
Primum non nocere (First Do No Harm)
Private Romeo
The Prosecution of an American President
Question One
Raaz 3: The Third Dimension
The Rabbi's Cat
Restless City
Reuniting the Rubins
The Revisionaries
The Right to Love: An American Family
The Road
The Rolling Stones: Charlie Is My Darling -- Ireland 1965
Rowdy Rathore
Saving America's Horses: A Nation Betrayed
Scenes of a Crime
Seeds of Resiliency
Serving Up Richard
Shady Lady
Six Million and One
The Skinny
Soldiers of Fortune
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You
Special Forces
Split: A Deeper Divide
The Stand Up
Starry Starry Night
Stash House
Tales From Dell City, Texas
Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya
They Call It Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain
Toll Booth
Tonight You're Mine
Top Priority: The Terror Within
Trial by Fire: Lives Re-Forged
The Trouble With Bliss
The Trouble With the Truth
The Ultimate Wish: Ending the Nuclear Age
Unmasked Judeophobia
Until They Are Home
Valley of Strength (Gei Oni)
Versailles '73: American Runway Revolution
Wagner & Me
Watching TV With the Red Chinese
We the Party
We Women Warriors
What a Man
Where Are You Taking Me?
A Whisper to a Roar
Who Bombed Judi Bari?
Without a Net
The Woman in the Septic Tank
The Woman Who Wasn't There
The Woods
Words of Witness
Yelling to the Sky
The Zen of Bennett